Shayla was born in Italy, the motherland. She is the first child of her parents, Viktor and Angelina Malone. Their family is one of the most powerful and respected empires of their time. And Shayla was born the heiress to the throne. Until HE was born. “HE” would be Jonathan, her younger brother. Considering his gender, their sibling rights by birth order were voided because her parents wanted a strong, fearless leader. Shayla was infuriated. She had basically been demoted to the least favorite child and weakest link. So, she began plotting her revenge in a sabotage book. But her plans never came to fruition. They never had to. Her brother grew up to be weak and insecure because he was banished by their father after failing the Rosean Obstacle Course more than three times.
When Shayla heard the news of her baby brother’s banishment, she threw away the sabotage book and started training for her rightful position on the throne. She was going to complete the Rosean Obstacle Course and win first place prize. Nothing could stop her. She trained three to five times a day, every day. She perfected combat fighting with fire throwing techniques, mastered the art of chemical imbalances, and created potions as both romantic distractions and destructive weapons. She could practically taste the victory on her lips.