As the semester continues, the weather is getting cooler and the classes are getting harder. The month of October is known all over the nation as “Midterm Month.” Personally, I don’t have any midterms this semester that are in-class exams, but I have had many in the past. I know what it’s like to have issues with buckling down to study, or even reading the chapter you missed from last week. Trust me, the struggle is real. We’ve all been there. However, we don’t have to be there. You are in school to get your degree, so find a moment to focus. I guarantee that it’ll be worth it to hold off on social activities in order to get good grades. With that in mind, here are seven tips that, in my opinion, work for acing your exams. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!
1. Map out Your Study Time [Don’t cram!]
Schedule one or two three-hour study blocks every day for one-two weeks before the exam. Study groups can help keep you motivated and give you a better grasp on material by sharing thoughts in a discussion.
If you have more than one exam in a week, clearly define your study block schedule. You can do this by using different colored highlighters and/or ink pens.
My biggest tip at this point in the semester is to cut down on socializing, unless you are required to within student organizations or for your job.
2. Test Your Knowledge
An exam calls for you to remember information on the spot, so don’t read passively through your notes. Instead, try breaking the material into concepts and sections. With this method, you can review in new ways: doing practice questions, watching videos, creating concept maps or diagrams, or teaching someone else so you remember the information you’re learning.
Once you’ve had the chance to review, give yourself a test and see what you really know.
3. Schedule in a Final Review
It’s the day before the exam. Focus on what you already understand and review anything you haven’t quite grasped yet.
Don’t forget to set your alarm for an earlier time than usual so you can ensure that you eat breakfast. Eggs and fruit are essential brain foods.
4. Create Brain Space
On exam day, take some time to collect yourself. Don’t study right up until the last moment; this can lead to information overload and you might not remember anything.
Show up early to the exam (about 10-15 minutes) and, rather than talking to your peers about the test, put in earbuds and listen to some relaxing music.
5. Set Your Own Course
When taking an exam, you don’t have to go in order. If you don’t know an answer, don’t waste the time struggling over it. Go on to the next question. This especially helps on tests that are multiple choice or conceptual based, because sometimes the next question will give you an answer to the question you were struggling on. Pay attention to how you spend your exam time.
6. Finish Strong
Review all of your answers before turning your test into the professor. This way, if you did skip around when answering questions, you know that you actually answered them all and that you’re comfortable with your answers.
7. Move on with Positivity
Even if the exam was rough, congratulate yourself on getting through it. You studied hard and deserve a reward. Treat yourself to a nice lunch out with your friends.