Cautions of Scuba Diving

Travel insurance may protect you from lost or delayed baggage, trip cancellations, and delays. However, it will not protect your oral health while relaxing on the beach or venturing out on an excursion such as scuba diving. It is important that your oral health is in good condition before doing any activities that may put you at risk.
Dr. Brian Raskin, Founder and Dentist at Advanced DDS, who enjoys recreational scuba diving, would like to educate scuba divers of the potential dental problems while discovering the underwater world.
Having tooth decay can be easily repaired with a dental filling, however, it can fall out when descending underwater, causing severe pain and sensitivity.
According to a reported story on Divers Alert Network (DAN) by a rebreather diver, multiple fillings can become loose and cause pain during a scuba diving venture due to underwater pressure. The diver stated, “I experienced pain again, but this time it was sharp and severe. It affected several of my teeth and after ascending only 6-7 fsw (feet of sea water) I felt a sensation that several fillings in my teeth were loose. Within a few feet, two fillings just fell apart, and the pain became even more severe and intense.”
It is recommended to postpone your dive after receiving teeth extraction treatment. It is recommended that divers wait four to six weeks to ensure gum tissue has healed properly filling the empty socket and that there is no pain or swelling. Swelling and pain often indicate an infection and, should the condition worsen, proper dental care can be difficult to find when travelling.